Maristella Svampa

Maristella Svampa has an undergraduate degree in Philosophy from the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba and a PhD in Sociology from Paris' École d'Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales.

She is Researcher at the Conicet (National Center for Scientific and Technical Research), Argentina and Professor at the Universidad Nacional de la Plata (province of Buenos Aires). She is a coordinator of the Group of Critical Studies of the Development and member of collectives “Plataforma 2012” (

Dr Svampa received the Guggenheim Fellowship and the Kónex award in Sociology (Argentina) in 2006.

Dr. Svampa has published and lectured in France, Germany, Switzerland, Mexico, Brazil, Bolivia and the United States. She has been a Visiting Professor at the UNAM (Mexico), the School of High studies in Social Sciences (EHESS, in Paris), University of Kassel (Germany) and University of Milan (Italie).

Among her most recent books are: Entre la ruta y el barrio. La experiencia de las organizaciones piqueteras (Between the Highway and the Neighborhood: The experience of Piqueteros Organizations) (2003); La sociedad excluyente. La Argentina bajo el signo del neoliberalismo (Exclusive society: Argentina under Neoliberalism) (2005), Cambio de época. Movimientos sociales y poder político (Change of Time: Social Movements and Political Power) (2008); Minería Transnacional, narrativas del desarrollo y Resistencias sociales (Transnacional Mining, Narratives of Development and Social Resistance (2009); “Debatir Bolivia, Perspectivas de un proyecto de descolonización” (2010), in Argentina and Bolivia. She has also publish “Certezas, Incertezas y Desmesuras de un pensamiento político. Conversaciones con Floreal Ferrara” (2010) and with Collective “Voces de Alerta”, 15 mitos y realidades de la minería transnacional en Argentina, in Argentina, Uruguay (2011) and Ecuador (2012).

She has published three novels, Los reinos perdidos (2005) and, Donde están enterrados nuestros muertos (2012). El muro (2013).

Maristella Svampa